July 7, 2022 Dear Patients of Spectrum, At this time, vaccine is not available to the general public unless identified by Public Health as a close contact to a monkeypox case or as pre-exposure for identified higher-risk groups as outlined below. Vaccine is now available to higher-risk groups in Vancouver using community-based outreach and at […]

June 17, 2022 Dear Patients of Spectrum, We have understandably been receiving a number of questions regarding the evolving monkeypox outbreak in Canada.  As of today, there are still only two confirmed cases of monkeypox in British Columbia so the risk of acquiring the illness here is very low. The following is taken directly from […]

Dear Patients, Thank you for your ongoing resilience and patience as we adapt to an ever-changing environment while living with COVID-19. Like many workplaces, at Spectrum we are now facing issues with sudden staff shortages and schedule changes due to the impact of the Omicron variant. As a result, the format of any upcoming appointments may […]

Dear patients of Spectrum, As another pandemic year comes to a close, we would like to acknowledge the resilience our community has shown in 2021.  You have not only managed to navigate the complexities of vaccination programs and public health restrictions, but some have simultaneously had to cope with flooding, heat waves, and stresses of daily […]

April 9, 2021 Phase 3 of BC’s COVID-19 immunization plan has begun. Here are some important links to view regarding vaccines and eligibility. Stay upto date with the latest information by visiting the links regularly. Frequently asked questions about the AstraZeneca vaccine http://www.bccdc.ca/Health-Info-Site/Documents/COVID-19_vaccine/AstraZeneca_COVISHIELD_FAQ.pdf Eligible pharmacies with AstraZeneca vaccine for people born between 1956-1966 https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/covid-19/vaccine/pharmacy How to get […]