Dear Patients of Spectrum,
We are pleased to announce that Spectrum will be opening its doors in a limited capacity on the 3rd of April. In order to maintain social distancing we will be limiting staff to two doctors and one nurse in the clinic per day with the remainder conducting virtual visits remotely. In general, all appointments will continue to be performed on the telephone or by video conference whether booked online or by phone. During that encounter, if your doctor or nurse feels that you require a physical examination, they will notify our staff who will call you to arrange a face-to-face visit. Please do not come to the clinic unless you have been instructed to do so by a doctor or nurse and have a booked appointment. If you have symptoms of COVID-19 such as fever, cough, or new shortness of breath – STAY HOME and book an appointment, either online or by phone. We’ll contact you with advice on how to proceed.
For those of you who receive allergy, testosterone, or other regularly scheduled injections, you may call and book an appointment to see a nurse starting on the 3rd of April. Appointments for injections CAN NOT be booked online. Our front desk staff will appropriately space out injection visits in order to minimize traffic in the waiting room.
Patients who see our pharmacist (Nick) for medications may continue to pick up your prescriptions at Spectrum. You must still book an appointment with him but there will be no face-to-face visits for now. Simply provide your name to the front desk staff when you arrive at your scheduled appointment time and they will find your medication. If you pick up antiretroviral medication from St. Paul’s Hospital pharmacy using the no appointment necessary (NAN) program you must call ahead (604-806-8937) to arrange a pick-up date. This way, the pharmacist will have time to prepare your medication before you arrive. Remember to call Spectrum as well so we can fax a prescription to St. Paul’s pharmacy. They are unable to dispense your medication without one.
Our research department continues to operate at full capacity. Participants in clinical trials can assume that your currently booked appointments will go ahead as planned in the clinic.
We are doing our best to keep Spectrum running smoothly during this period and intend to respond quickly to new information and recommendations as they emerge. We will keep you informed of changes in our clinic with these weekly email updates. We’re looking forward to seeing you soon!
P.S. For those who are interested, attached is an infographic reviewing the basics of COVID-19 that you might find useful.

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